February 08, 2010

substance abuse ceus

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substance abuse ceus

Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Dependency (15 hours)
Description CH 1-Definitions
CH 2-History
CH 3-DSM Criteria
CH 4-Types of Substance Abuse
CH 5-Prescription Drug Addiction and Dependence
CH 6-Demographic Characteristics
CH 7-Substance Abuse Treatments and Outcomes

Become familiar with clinical and statistical information regarding substance abuse history, DSM criteria, types of abuse, demographic characteristics, treatment, and outcomes.
Define substance abuse and identify its effects.
Become familiar with the medical aspects of alcohol abuse/dependence and other types of chemical dependency.
Apply current theories of the etiology of substance abuse.
Recognize the role of persons and systems that support or compound the abuse.
Become familiar with the major treatment approaches to alcoholism and chemical dependency.
Learn the national legal aspects of substance abuse.
Obtain knowledge of certain populations at risk with regard to substance abuse.
Access community resources offering assessment, treatment and follow-up for the abuser and family.
Learn the process of referring affected persons.

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