March 17, 2010

Creating a Consumer and Family-Oriented Health Care System

Creating a Consumer and Family-Oriented Health Care System


The Washington Business group on Health, with Support from CMHS, Has Released a Publication Focusing on An Environmental Scan of Reforms Impacting Mental Health and Substance Abuse Care.

Part I of the paper discusses environmental trends driving change in mental health and substance abuse delivery system models and practices. Trends discussed are:

Industry consolidation and the growth of managed care;

The absence of a federal regulatory framework;

Interest in health care quality and performance; and

Changing perceptions about mental health and substance abuse.
Part II reviews a wide range of public and private sector initiatives intended to enhance consumer-directed care, inform and educate consumers about health care choices and the changing health care system, and involve consumers and their advocates in the planning and monitoring of emerging health care delivery systems. Initiatives are organized under four topic headings:

Empowering consumers with information;

Performance accountability from the consumer perspective;

The consumer and family movements in mental health; and

A systems approach to health care delivery.
Part III identifies three critical challenges to creating a consumer- directed health care system:

Creating meaningful and useful information for consumers;

Stimulating health system accountability for serving people with chronic illnesses and disabilities; and

Enhancing organized consumer and family involvement in health system planning and monitoring.
It is intended as a strategic planning tool and resource document for consumer advocates and others interested in enhancing consumer involvement in improving health system accountability for mental health and substance abuse services. A glossary of terms and contact information for initiatives cited in the document are included.

Consumer Affairs Bulletin
Volume 2, No. 2 Summer 1997

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