October 28, 2010

Mental Illness and How You Can Help

Mnetal Illness- How You Can Help
You can help just by being there and offering your reassurance, companionship, emotional strength and acceptance. You can make a difference just by understanding and supporting your friend throughout the course of his or her recovery and beyond. We're here to help you learn how.

Instead of blowing off a person's worries, express your interest and concern. Don't change the subject when a mental illness diagnosis comes up – ask questions, listen to ideas, and be responsive. Ask what you can do to help. If other people make insensitive remarks, don't ignore them – educate people so they understand the facts about mental illness. If someone you work with or go to school with has a mental illness, don't discriminate. Treat people with mental illness just as you would those with any other serious but treatable condition: with respect, compassion and empathy.

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