December 15, 2010

Searching for a Leader in the World of Online CEUs

The internet has been a viable source for finding all kinds of "stuff". It can also be a great source for finding the right CEU provider. The problem lies in sifting through the number of search results generated by whatever search engine being used. Just because a website ranks high in the search engine results, doesn't necessarily mean it is the best option. Companies are constantly battling for rankings. So, here are some things to ask when drudging through the options found on the search engine results pages.

First, "Are they approved in my state for my license?" There are so many choices in the field of online continuing education; however, many are not approved across the United States. Some specialize in a few states that may be key for them. Others just haven't done the work to achieve approval in every state. Even if the provider is approved in your state, they may not be for your particular license. It is always crucial to read the fine print of each provider and make sure they provide an easy to view table with this information.

Second, "Do they offer all the courses I need to renew my license?" Great question to ask. Look thoroughly through their course listing and make sure they have the courses to fulfill the requirements of your particular license. Something else to consider is not only do they have the core courses you need but do they have enough of a selection outside of the core courses to meet your needs in the future as well.

Third, "Can I even find what I am looking for?" How many times have you pulled up a website from a search result and spent way too much time searching for what you were interested in only to end up backing out of that site and returning to the search results list? Sometimes this may be because the site was irrelevant, however, most of the time it was probably because the website was so poorly designed that it made it way too difficult to find anything. Make sure everything is straightforward and easy to find. No wasting time, which is critical in today's busy, fast-paced world.

Fourth, "Are their rates affordable and reasonable?" This is the brass tacks of the matter. What is the cost? It has been said "You get what you pay for." For the most part this is correct. That is why it is a good rule of thumb to never pay the highest amount and at the same time never pay the lowest amount. The highest amount is usually overpriced. The lowest amount is usually stripped of any value and may cost more in the long run in both time and money. Choosing a price more in the middle is usually the best bet.

Aspira works in the fields of online CEUs for MFT continuing education, online CEUs for Social Workers, online CEUs for Counselor continuing education, and online CEUs for Addiction Counselors

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